Adult Schroth Camp, (Edmonton, Canada)

July 3, 2019
5 days


Sanja Schreiber
Sanja Schreiber Ph.D.
International Schroth Instructor


Curvy Spine - 10041 81 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 1W7 Canada   View map



ISST Camp is an intensive scoliosis-specific group treatment according to the original Katharina Schroth Method. The camp is primarily tailored for patients with idiopathic scoliosis and kyphosis (including Scheuermann’s disease).

The purpose of the camp is:

  • to educate patients about their own specific curve type and how it affects their posture,
  • to teach patients the home exercise program (HEP) aimed at recalibration of the posture affected by scoliosis or kyphosis using their own ability to auto‐correct in all three planes of the body,
  • to teach them how to use Schroth principles in activities of daily living (ADL) to assure constant active correction throughout the day
  • to stabilize the corrected posture by emphasizing the importance of compliance with the HEP and ADL

Sign up now!

To sign up, please visit local website and fill the simple form at the bottom of the page.

  • Minimum number of patients per camp is 8 to a maximum of 12
  • Daily exercises total duration: 4 hours and 30 minutes (divided into three 1.5h-long sessions)


  • Patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)  aged 10 and above
  • Patients with kyphosis, and Scheuermann’s disease aged 10 and above
  • Patients with or without a brace
  • In case of some limitating chronic illness, you might not be able to participate in the camp


  • a formal diagnosis of a spinal deformity
  • a recent full spine radiograph taken within 1 month of the date of the camp
  • ability to participate for the whole duration of the camp.

Training attire:

  • for females a sports top or a bikini top (please, no racer back) with exposed back
  • confortable sports pants, shorts, tights (please, no jeans)